Thursday, March 29, 2007

Lesson Plan: Misc

Rafael Jimenez

Beatrice Chavez

TITLE: The Role of Names

OVERVIEW: Students will learn about themselves, and each other.

OBJECTIVE: To emphasize the importance of names in OHYoS RESOURCES/MATERIALS:


Web-enabled computer

Poster board and markers


Take students to the computer lab.

Have them sit down on a seat in front of a computer.

Spark up a discussion about names, and the role they play in the book.

I will share my name, the meaning of my name, and my family tree as an example, and will assign it, giving them the rest of class as time to work on the assigment.

ASSESMENT: Students will look up the meaning of their names, and write it on a posterboard. Under there, they will draw a three generation family tree. They will present their assignment the next day, explaining whether they agree with the meaning of their name and if they feel that traits are inherited with names.


(Click on picture to see full rubric)

1 comment:

Rafael Buendia said...

Teaching sources on the side.